Rich Rice & Evan Brown
Deal Review
Are you close to a deal?
Want a second set of eyes on the numbers?
Do you need funding, contractors, or just looking for a partner?
Need some guidance on getting it across the finish line?
Fill out the form below and we’d be glad to help!
here to help
What do you need help with?

Not sure on your comps or the ARV?
We’ll give you our honest opinion:

Rehab Estimates
Think your rehab numbers are a little low or too much?
We’ll review them and tell you what we think:

Need a Buyer?
Locked it up?
Ready for a check?
Name your price and we’ll take it a look!
If we can’t buy it, someone on our 6,000+ buyers list might 🙂

Want to try and hang onto it?
Need rehab funds?

Need a Realtor?
Decided to flip it but need an agent to help list it?
We know some great ones that can protect you against inspection contingences, flaky buyers, bad appraisers, and more!
How it Works
We’ll help and possibly partner (JV) with you!
Get in Touch
Reach out by clicking on the Contact Us button below.
Tell Us About the Deal
Are you trying to flip it, wholesale it, or keep it long term? Let us know so we can tailor the best solution.
Share the Info
Be sure to include as much detail as possible. The more we have to work with, the faster we can help you!
A Worthy Partner
Don’t go it alone!
Get valuable hands on experience and get paid!

Buying in Inland Empire
Although we love all deals that pencil, we focus in these areas:

Crestline (Lake Gregory)

High Desert (Hesparia to Barstow)

Riverside/San Bernardino

Mobile Homes (On Land and in Parks)

South IE (Lake Elsinore, Menifee, etc)

and Notes also!!
Completed Projects
(Some of Them)
Rich Rice
& Evan Brown
Rich and Evan’s collaboration over the past five years has resulted in over 120 joint deals. Their initial vision for SirCashDeals as a wholesaling entity started way back in 2017. However, following Rich’s acquisition of IEREIC in 2021 and founding the FIRE Center in 2023, they thought it time for Sir Cash to evolve.
For 2024 and beyond, SirCashDeals has been reimagined as a support team for investors seeking education, mentoring, and guidance in reaching their financial independence through real estate goals!
Rich 714.380.2807
Evan 909.556.5955